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Data Doctors Radio Program

Windows 7: A First Look

Data Doctors Radio Program | Ken Colburn & Brandon Disney Microsoft, despite it's best efforts, has had a real tough time convincing a large number of computer users (especially businesses) that they should migrate to Windows Vista.

It took nearly 6 years for Microsoft to release a new OS after XP was launched but with the general lack of adoption of the recently released Windows Vista family, we are likely to see the "next Windows" version as early as January of 2010.

Will Microsoft learn from their mistakes of the Vista launch? Will they be able to create enough positive momentum to get folks to migrate to Windows 7? How will the growing popoularity of "cloud computing" impact the next version of Windows?

Listen in as the Data Doctors give you a first glimpse into the next generation of Windows and what it might mean to you.

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Original Air Date: Nov 8, 2008

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