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Data Doctors Radio Program

Patches...we do need Stinkin' Patches!

Data Doctors Radio Program | Ken Colburn & Brandon Disney The reality of today's Microsoft driven computing platform is that it is constantly under attack by hackers.

As long as the vast majority of the world uses any software product, the bad guys will continue to find ways to exploit them all.

The current process for dealing with vulnerabilities is that once they are discovered, software companies rush to create a patch before the hackers create an exploit (and the hackers are usually faster!)

We are all unwilling participants in this virtual "whack a mole" game, so we must understand what to do to stay out of harm's way.

Listen in as we delve into the current state of the "Patch Game" and explain what you need to do to steer clear of the virtual mallet!

Join us every Weekend as we discuss your computer questions. It's the Tech Show for Non-Tech People! You can post questions on Facebook .

Original Air Date: May 12, 2007

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