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Data Doctors Radio Program

Are you unknowingly part of a "botnet"?

Data Doctors Radio Program | Ken Colburn & Brandon Disney Bots (derived from web robot) are small automated programs that perform specific duties on the Internet. For instance, when you use sites like to find the best price on a blender, you are using a "shopbot". Google's indexing bot called Googlebot goes out every day looking millions of web pages to add to their index.

While most bots are providing valuable services, some are designed for malicious intent. There are thousands of bad bots roaming the Internet attempting to infect computers so they can become "zombies" in a network of bots, called a botnet.

Those infected by these bots rarely realize that they are participating in sending out spam, worms or viruses that impact others.

Listen in as we give you the tips on how to avoid becoming a victim, how to watch for signs of infection and what to do if you think you might be infected.

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Original Air Date: Jun 30, 2007

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