Where can I find information on the presidential candidates stand on technology issues?
This question was answered on October 30, 2000. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
Technology issues are certainly going to shape our future and who ever is elected president will have to deal with an unprecedented number of technology issues that will have long lasting effects
Issues such as privacy, the digital divide, Internet taxation, copyright and intellectual property enforcement, Internet filtering, anti-trust and protection from electronic terrorism are just a few of the issues that will touch the lives of virtually every citizen.
Most of the candidates have some connection to technology and seem to understand the importance of dealing with the associated issues We are certainly seeing more of an emphasis placed on technology issues in this election than in previous campaigns
Finding websites that don’t have a hidden agenda can be hard, but there are quite a few sites that seem to be providing general information and links that may help you to better understand the candidate’s stance on technology based issues.
Here are some sites that may be of help in learning more about the candidates “technology agendas”:
<a href="http://www.Issues2000.org/Technology.htm"><font color="#003399">Issues2000.org/Technology.htm </font></a> – This site includes all of the candidates and has compiled quotes and news stories that deal specifically with technology.
<a href="http://www.techtv.com/techtvnews/election2000"><font color="#003399">techtv.com/techtvnews/election2000</font></a> – My favorite technology cable channel TechTV has a web site with dozens of technology related stories and interviews with the major candidates Included are video and audio clips as well as transcripts to interviews that have been conducted.
<a href="http://www.georgewbush.com/issues"><font color="#003399">georgewbush.com/issues</font></a> – This official site for George Bush includes a link to Technology and the New Economy There you can find Bush’s stance on the major technology issues and even download and print out his “High Tech Plan”.
<a href="http://www.algore.com/tech"><font color="#003399">algore.com/tech</font></a> – This official site for Al Gore includes his agenda and accomplishments in the tech sector You can also see a list of tech leaders that are endorsing him.
In addition to technology specific sites, I have found some other sites that you may find useful or entertaining:
<a href="http://www.youthevote.net"><font color="#003399">youthevote.net</font></a> – A voting website specifically setup to help schools and parents get their children involved in the political system.
<a href="http://www.decidebetter.com"><font color="#003399">www.decidebetter.com</font></a>- This website tries to help you make a decision based on the issues and your opinion of the major candidates.
<a href="http://www.realchange.org"><font color="#003399">realchange.org</font></a> – A site that prides itself on digging up dirt on the candidates Their tag line is “All the Dirt on All the Candidates - Because character DOES matter”.
<a href="http://www.speakout.com/votematch"><font color="#003399">speakout.com/votematch</font></a> – This site attempts to define your political philosophy based on your position on major issues.
<a href="http://www.gallup.com/Election2000"><font color="#003399">gallup.com/Election2000</font></a> - Public opinion as gathered by the Gallup Polls on everything from the issues to image.
About the author
Ken Colburn of Data Doctors on October 30, 2000
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