My computer is a pentium 155 with windows 98, My problem is sometimes my ccomputer slows down in windows only and makes a lot of noise in my modem, why Thanks
This question was answered on February 8, 2004. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
I suggest you check your RAM (randam access memory) you might be using toomuch space on your computer trust me this would cause your computer to slow down try to delete files you dont need or anything you have saved which is taking soo much space also if your modem is making so much noise its because its trying to make a direct connection with your ISP
(Internet Service Provider) try to keep the ram space on your computer at a good rate so your computer stays at a good speed so you wont experince problems.
About the author
Posted by Student of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on February 8, 2004
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