Symantec response found a level 3 mass-mailing worm (W32.Beagle.A@mm) on 1-18-04!
This question was answered on January 23, 2004. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
W32.Beagle.A@mm is a level 3 mass-mailing worm that accesses remote Web sites and sends email to any addresses it finds using its own SMTP engine This is rated high in distribution and considered very wild The worm is only active until January 28, 2004 at which point it is no longer an immediate danger to your system It is recommended that all users update their anti-virus immediately to detour any possible attacks on their systems.
The email message has the following characteristics:
Subject: Hi
Attachment: <Random>.exe
Most Windows operating systems are affected There is a removal tool available to clean the infections of W32.Beagle.A@mm
Get complete instruction on protection and removal from Symantec at:
<a href= "[email protected]"></a>
Note: Some customers have reported that Trojan.Mitglieder.C has been discovered on computers infected with W32.Beagle.A@mm.
About the author
Posted by Michal of Data Doctors on January 23, 2004
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