Hi, I turn on my computer and it goes to the login window but the mouse will not move on the screen and the keyboard does not do a thing. On the keyboard, the lights will not turn on or anything... the mouse nor keyboard recoinze and type of imput...help?!!
This question was answered on May 3, 2004. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
Here are some tips:
1.Can't find mouse pointer.
a.May be positioned off screen or blended in somewhere Move the mouse to locate the pointer.
b.Mouse software may not be installed Would mention during turn on about mouse driver not loading.
c.May be bad mouse or bad serial port.
2.Mouse moves erratically.
a.Make sure the mouse is plugged in FIRMLY.
b.Remove the ball, clean and check the rollers.
c.Surface may be too slick or sticky Try a different surface or mouse pad.
d.Try the mouse on a different computer Could be a bad mouse.
e.Does mouse work erratically in both Windows and DOS? Maybe Windows mouse driver is setup incorrectly.
3.Mouse Freezes up and mouse pointer wonât move on screen.
a.Delete any mouse driver in the system and try to reinstall using the Windows drivers.
b.Uninstall drivers specific to mouse in Autoexec.bat and Config.sys prior to reinstalling.
4.Problems with mouse pointer after installing video driver in Windows.
a.Disable the hardware cursor by setting the slide bar to the most setting:
b.Miscellaneous hang-ups are experienced, disable memory mapped I/O by setting the slide bar to the Basic setting.
c.Try the NONE slide bar setting.
5.Long exit leaving Windows and have PS2 style mouse connector.
a Add to system.ini 386-enh section:
6."Growstub errors" when using mouse.
a.Mouse driver not updated when Windows was installed.
b.Reinstall mouse related lines in Autoexec.bat or Config.sys
c.Reinstall mouse driver software.
7.Mouse works in Windows, but not DOS.
a.May need to load mouse driver in DOS To load:
Go to MSDOS mode.
Type CD\ to load mouse driver from DOS root directory.
Place mouse driver diskette in floppy drive.
Type A: INSTALL or A: SETUP (Whatever loads the mouse driver).
Select the defaults Say YES if the installation will automatically load the mouse driver in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
8.Load a Mouse Driver (Windows).
a.Windows will automatically detect a mouse when the mouse is connected to the computer and the computer is turned on.
About the author
Posted by Ludens of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on May 3, 2004
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