I have burn 4 cds of video files. Countercheck after burning, files inside the cd.
2 days later, 2 cds files unreadable. Another few days later, the other 2 cds files encounter same problems. Have tried playback all cds at a different maker disc drive, same problems.
Updated my Samsung disc drive driver, problems still persist.
Help, please kindly advice and thank you very much.
This question was answered on November 6, 2004. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
You said that the cd was ok after you burned it then this leads me to the application you are running to view these files Since the cd rom is working and it can read some files, try running the cd in another computer then see what application it is using to retreave the files If everything is ok with the other computer then your problem is your aplication , try reintalling it, run a virus scan it could be that your machine is infected with a virus.
About the author
Posted by Jerry of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on November 6, 2004
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