I am having a problem installing a critical update to Windows ME and have not been able to get a response from Microsoft despite three tries. When I try to install Cumulative Security Upgrade for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (KB834707), I get the following message as the computer reboots:
"Windows could not upgrade the file %1 from %2
Windows could not upgrade 1 or more system files before starting
Windows may not start or run properly"
Everything appears to start and run normally but the critical update was not installed. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Bill Solliday
This question was answered on November 2, 2004. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
After you install a new program or update an existing program and then restart your computer, your computer may stop responding (hang), and you may receive the following error message:
(Windows could not upgrade the file %1 from %2 %1: %2 )
Your computer may or may not continue to start after this error message This issue can occur if the Wininit.ini file is not processed correctly.
To resolve this issue, rename the Wininit.ini file:
1 Click Start, point to Search, and then click Files or Folders 2 In the Named box, type wininit.ini
3 In the Look in box, click Local Hard Drives
4 Click Search Now
5 Right-click the Wininit.ini file in the list of found items, and then click Rename
6 Type Wininit.old, and then press ENTER
7 Close the Search Results window
8 Restart your computer
9 Reinstall your program or update
If these steps do not resolve this issue, use System Restore to restore your computer to an earlier time if you need additional information about how to use System Restore, you can always visit this site again and post your question
Good Luck!
About the author
Posted by julie of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on November 2, 2004
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