Help! Cannot use my Real Player. Don't know if it is a compatibility problem with Media Player or what. It used to work and then I had a power surge so fast that the computer moniter did not even shut off, yet it shut down TV in same room.
At same time I had loaded a program for Olympus Digital Wave Player mini voice recorder onto PC. I had to uninstall as it didn't seem to work right and had a problem getting info from recorder onto PC and then burning onto blank CD. Uniinstalled program.
Then the printer would not work and I could not get into My Docouments. Froze up.
Took computer to Frys and they re installed printer info and now printer works, can retrieve my Documents, documents.
Left with problem with Real Player/Windows Media Player. I have uninstalled and the re-installed Real Player 10. (free version). Keep getting error message 404 cannot locate Internet Explorer at the end of a 'cannot display this page'. I have been trying from various web sites to use the real player (kids games, talk show archives, etc. . . )
HELP!!!! I hate my computer now and am about ready to just pitch it, but feel like I will just spend a lot of $$$ and then have problems on my next computer. UGH!
This question was answered on November 8, 2004. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
Because you need more RAM.
I was looking at your computer profile and the problem your having is that you don't have enough MB to run Real Player You need 64MB or higher and for windows XP you need 128MB you only have 64 Below is a list of the minimum system requirements and the recommended requirements.
Minimum System Requirements
- 350MHz Intel Pentium II processor or equivalent
- 64MB of RAM(128MB on Windows XP or later)
- 52MB available disk space
- 28.8Kbps modem (audio only)
- 16-bit sound card and speakers
- 65,000-color video display card set to display at 800x600 (video)
- Windows 98SE, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0
with Service Pack 6 or later(playback only), Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2 or later, or Windows XP
- IE 5.0 or later
- 500 MHz Intel Pentium III processor or greater (supports simultaneous record/playback features)
- 128MB of RAM
- High-speed Internet connection (audio/video)
- Full Duplex sound card and speakers
- 65,000-color video display card set to display at 800x600 or higher (video)
- CD writer (for CD burning features)
- 700 MB available disk space for writing Media and MP3 CDs (not required for audio CDs)
- DVD player and DVD playback software (for DVD playback)
- Analog recording requires an inline audio cable or microphone.
- Windows 98SE, Windows ME, Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2 or later, or Windows XP
- Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
- Windows Media Player 9.0 or later
- QuickTime 6.4 or later
- If using Screen-Reader software: JAWS (v4.02 or greater recommended) or WindowEyes (v4.21 or greater)
Add more ram to your PC and problem fixed.
About the author
Posted by julie of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on November 8, 2004
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