I am looking to add extra memory to my computer for music purposes,what should I get I am after an extra 512mb of memory............I have
..windows x/p..
..Pentium 4
Hopes this helps..
Is it easy to install........
This question was answered on December 2, 2004. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
Hard to advise without knowing what kind and how much memory you have now, but 512 seems to be the "sweet spot" for XP digital imaging might require more, but that should be enough for music files
Some of the early P4 systems used RDRAM memory which has to be replaced in pairs and is getting scarce now that it is no longer used You can use the memory configurator at http://www.crucial.com/ to see what you need.
This is a pretty simplified demo of changing memory
About the author
Posted by Christopher of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on December 2, 2004
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