My friend and I have both setup FTP sites. I can access his site no problem, but he has the damndest time trying to get into mine.
Even with my firewall and his firewall disabled, he still cannot get into my server. It even says in the log of BLACKMOON FTP that he's logged in successfully.
The REAL KICKER is that my other friends can log in NO PROBLEM!
What else can I try?
He is not behind a router or anything, but I am. Again though, other people have no problems logging into my FTP and downloading.
What could cause one person out of 5 to have problems?
This question was answered on December 5, 2004. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
Tell your friend to toggle (turn it off if it's on, turn it on if it's off) PASV mode in his ftp client This will frequently solve the kind of problem you described
About the author
Posted by Christopher of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on December 5, 2004
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