Yesterday the A drive quit working when I attempted to look at some digital photo's. It was working fine before that. Now it Buzzes when I insert a disk and attempt to open it in my computer. After buzzing a popup error message. "Floppy disk controller reported an error not recognized by the disk driver." I tried to format a disk and the drive was unable to do that task also. I tried several disks and was unable to open any of them. Some I had previously viewed. Do I need to replace the A drive or could it be something else?
This question was answered on March 4, 2005. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
You have to try to re-install your floppy drive It might have some connection problem If the problem persists, then you'll need a new floppy drive to be installed.
About the author
Posted by Eramilde of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on March 4, 2005
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