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Why does my monitor not turn on?

Posted By : Sean of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on March 27, 2005

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When I turn on my computer my monitor starts with the green light and turns automatically to organge. Never get a chance to see anything on the screen. I have also tried another monitor but I have the same problem. any ideas what is wrong?

This question was answered on March 27, 2005. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.

If your monitor's power light turns to orange it means you are not getting a video signal from the computer Since you changed the monitor and have the same symptoms the problem most likely is with the computer's video output or with the power to the computer Make sure the computer is powering up properly and the video connection is secure If all is well with the computer's power you need to check to see if the video card is properly installed and well seated into its appropriate slot If the video is a component included on the motherboard contact the computer's manufacturer.

About the author

Posted by Sean of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on March 27, 2005

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