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Why can't I see Ads in my browser?

Posted By : Charles of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on April 20, 2005

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no ads on most all webs

I get a rectangle with an X and no pic on rt click( if i double clk the ad comes on some I get an "action Canceled"

On IE options security

active Scripting enabled

java apples enabled

java low

On Advanced

ssl 2.0

ssl 3.0

tsl 1.0

javaconsole enabled

java logging enabled

This question was answered on April 20, 2005. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.

Some ad blockers have a feature which will display a blocked ad if clicked on, which is what leads me to believe you may have an ad blocker software installed.

If you have any ad blocking software running, or firewall, internet or antivirus suites (i.e ZoneAlarm Security Suite) running, check the settings, disable the ad blocker and refresh the page that is not displaying the ad when it first loads.

About the author

Posted by Charles of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on April 20, 2005

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