I recently installed a new, not high-end LCD monitor given to me as a gift. Proview17" TFT with one year manu. Warranty. I refused extended from Circuit City since my experience has been that problems occurred beyond warranty period. I can also buy extended from ProView for $40 extended to three years. Do think it would be a good idea. What is expected life for LCD of this type?
This question was answered on April 30, 2005. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
LCD Monitors are still expensive today especially if one breaks unexpectedly Bypassing Circuit Citys warranty was probably a good move They are generally more expensive than a manufacturers warranty and if you ever have to use your warranty, it will be less complicated when you are not dealing with a third party
I dont think $40 is too much to ask for a 3-year warranty from Proview LCD monitors ARE more fragile than CRTs and you should receive your monitors worth plus the warrantys worth by the time 3 years is up The monitor may even last longer than that (I found that LCD's can last between 50,000-60,000 hours)
Extending Proviews warranty is a good idea incase an accident happens and will provide peace of mind.
Reference: Enhanced A guide to managing and maintaining your PC
About the author
Posted by Ian of Chandler-Gilbert Community College on April 30, 2005
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