The account is with yahoo mail. I cant delete these fast enough. now there out of hand, Is there any way to delete with out going page by page, evven at 100at a time this doesnt work. help I really do have that many.
This question was answered on September 6, 2005. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
On the top left hand corner above your email list is view: All messages witch is underlined and in blue and has an arrow to the right witch opens a drop down list with several choices they are (all messages, unread messages, flagged messages, and messages with attachments.) You want to click unread messages Next you want to scroll to the bottom of you email list In the bottom right hand corner highlighted in blue and underlined are check all and clear all You want to click check all and then click delete Just be careful you don’t delete email from people you know
About the author
Posted by Kenward of Chandler-Gilbert Community College on September 6, 2005
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