I have a few (VERY IMPORTANT) file folders on my system that look like they are normal until you try to open a file in them...the files in these folders are totally scrambled! Looks like this:
It has happened in both excel and word MSoffice. Also, would you be able to tell if someone has remote access to my computer? My ex moved to Canada and over the last two years I have sensed something is "off"....I hate to sound paranoid, but these scrambled files are documents that pertain to my divorce and my business. Nothing else in the system is scrambled...? Any thoughts? Help! :)
- Carrie
This question was answered on March 20, 2006. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
First before anything you must make sure that a virus is not responsible for the corruption of these files If you have an anti-virus program make sure it is up-to-date and run a compltete scan of your system.
If you have eliminated the possibility of a virus then it is possible that the files have been damaged by some other error you can try to repair them Follow these steps:
Open either Word or Excel.
On the File menu, click Open.
In the Open dialog box, select the file you want to open, and click the arrow next to the Open button.
Click Open and Repair, and then choose which method you want to use to recover your workbook.(You can try them one at a time until one method works)
If someone has access to your PC and has altered the files manually then they cannot be recovered Always back up important information to another medium such as a CD.
To ensure no one can remotely access your system do this:
Right-click on the My Documents icon.
Click Properties
Click the Remote tab on the top.
Make sure the box that reads "Enable Remote Desktop on this computer" is not checked.
You may also want to add a firewall program, such as the free version of ZoneAlarm, www.zonelabs.com, to add extra security.
About the author
Posted by daryl of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on March 20, 2006
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