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Upgrade from X2 to V.90 56K Can 'Fry' some 3Com Megahertz Laptop Modems

Posted By : of Data Doctors on June 15, 1999

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Upgrade from X2 to V.90 56K Can 'Fry' some 3Com Megahertz Laptop Modems

This question was answered on June 15, 1999. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.

3COM HAS acknowledged that upgrading two models of its Megahertz modem cards from x2 to V.90 56K can destroy the modems 3Com provides a free upgrade to the new V.90 56K standard, which users can download from 3Com at,

but applying the flash upgrade can be problematic for the popular Megahertz 56K XJ1560 and CC1560 PCMCIA modem cards Also affected are versions of these modems that have been supplied to -- and rebranded by -- laptop vendors BugNet has received numerous complaints about 3Com modems carrying the Dell brand in Dell Latitude laptops, but 3Com says modems carrying the brand of as many as seven other laptop manufacturers may also be damaged by the upgrade

About the author

Posted by of Data Doctors on June 15, 1999

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