I have a 300mz with the sound/video cards built into the motherboard and I have had this problem many times. I load AOL 4.0 & multifunction printer software & my machine sounds like "Max Headroom"(tv show from the 80`s)example will say "wwweelllccoommee"(welcome)will a new sound card fix this, I am not sure if it`s conflict with AOL or Cannon software.
This question was answered on July 14, 1999. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
First step would be to check your sound settings, by going to the Start button and then to Settings, next go to control panel and open it In control panel click on sounds , this will get you into the sound properties dialog box There you will find a list of functions performed by Windows and a sound icon in front of the function means that whenever that particular function is performed sound occurs Which means that particular function sound is active, You can remove the sound from the function by clicking on it
You have to identify the functions that "welcome" sound is associated with, and then delete the sound by clicking on the function.
I hope this will solve your problem Good luck!!
About the author
Posted by Ken Colburn of Data Doctors on July 14, 1999
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