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How do I access Cox e-mail services from Canada ?

Posted By : of Data Doctors on July 14, 1999

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How do I access my E-mail account remotely while I'm away in Canada for an extended period? At my office here in town I use Microsoft Outlook Express through a Cox cable internet account. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get Cox service outside of the U.S.

This question was answered on July 14, 1999. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.

Cox e-mail system is proprietary, which would require you to install the Cox software and configure a machine, such as a laptop, in order to get the mail in that account Cox services are limited to US only, therefore you might not be able to access it from other countries, including Canada

Microsoft has a Web based e-mail system (Hotmail)that is free and allows you to check mail from any Internet connected system HOTMAIL is at

About the author

Posted by of Data Doctors on July 14, 1999

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