Error reading:
Your program is making an invalid dynamic link call to a .DLL file.
How can this be fixed? OR can it? The only time this error reading comes up is when I turn my computer on and the desktop shows up then the error reading . I click on close and the error message goes away on the desktop. All other programs then work, including INternet etc. HOwever, when I click on FAXWORKS for that program it comes up with the same error message and it won't open my FAXWORKS, it just goes nowhere. I can't read any faxes saved which are very important to a legal case, because I can't open the Call center. I've downloaded all the files from the "send folder" and "receive folder" but have no way of reading them or copying them. Is this a programing problem or a hardware/software problem? Have purchased new fax/answering machine to keep this from happening again, but need files Now for legal issue. Can you help me?
This question was answered on July 27, 1999. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
After some research we have found the following tech support document for FaxWorks:
Resolving "Call to Undefined Dynalink"
The error message "Call to Undefined Dynalink" occurs with FaxWorks Windows clients when Windows locates an incorrect version of a Dynamic Link Library (.DLL) file and loads it into memory Errors of this type can usually be resolved by deleting the FaxWorks FX_*.DLL files and then reinstalling the FaxWorks Windows client software The following step-by-step instructions will take you through the procedure These instructions use an MS-DOS Command Prompt since that is common with all versions of Windows Users of Windows 3.1 and NT 3.51 can use File Manager instead Users of Windows 95 and NT 4.0 can use Explorer
At the workstation that is reporting the error message, close FaxWorks
Either exit Windows or open a Command Prompt (MS-DOS prompt) In Windows 3.1 and NT 3.51, the Command Prompt is located in the group "Main" In Windows 95 and NT 4.0, it is located on the Start->Programs menu
Change to the drive that contains your Windows system directory Normally this is drive C: If the Command Prompt indicates that you are on a different drive, then change to the correct drive by typing the drive letter followed by a colon, then press enter
Change to the root directory of the drive by typing CD\ then press enter
Locate all of the FaxWorks .DLL files by typing DIR FX_*.DLL /S /P then press enter This command will search the entire drive, including all subdirectories, and may take a minute or two to run
As it locates the files, your computer will display them on the screen With the /P parameter on the command, it will also pause each time the screen fills with information Each time it finds some of the files in a new subdirectory, it will print the subdirectory name In the example screen, it found files in the directory C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM Write down the name of each directory in which your computer finds these files.
Note: The screen image displayed here is an example Depending on your version of FaxWorks, the file listing that you see on your screen may differ from the one in our example in both the number of files and the date/size of the files
Once the search has completed, change to the first directory where the files were found In our example, this is the directory WINDOWS\SYSTEM To change to a specific directory, type the command CD followed by a backslash and the directory name followed by the enter key Using our example, you would type
CD \WINDOWS\SYSTEM then press enter
Delete the FaxWorks files by typing DEL FX_*.DLL then press enter
Repeat this procedure for each directory in which the FaxWorks files are located Most of the time, they will only be found in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, but from time to time they may be in other directories as well
When you have finished deleting these files, reboot your computer
Finally, reinstall the FaxWorks by running SETUP.EXE from the FWLAN\WINSTALL directory
You had stated that you have saved all sent and received files so make sure you have them copied somewhere safely before you begin Good luck!
About the author
Posted by Ken Colburn of Data Doctors on July 27, 1999
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