I am having a problem in using my scroll mouse on this machine i have tried downloading an upgrade for the micro soft scroll mouse but it will not execute. i am wondering if i have to first delete the hp mouse to use the scroll mouse? the scoll mouse has the usb connetor.
This question was answered on August 22, 1999. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
The PS/2 port on your computer may not be compatible with the IntelliMouse If the PS/2 port is not compatible, Windows cannot successfully detect the IntelliMouse Check Device Manager to see if the Microsoft Mouse With Wheel device is listed To do so, follow these steps:
Press CTRL ESC to open the Start menu.
Use the ARROW keys to select Settings, and then press ENTER.
Use the ARROW keys to select Control Panel, and then press ENTER
Use the ARROW keys to select System, and then press ENTER
Press CTRL TAB to select the Device Manager tab
Press TAB twice to get to the device list (Computer should be selected).
Use the DOWN ARROW key to select Mouse If there is a PLUS SIGN ( ) next to Mouse, press the RIGHT ARROW key to expand the Mouse branch.
Check for the Microsoft Mouse With Wheel device
If the Microsoft Mouse With Wheel device is listed, it is likely that the PS/2 port is compatible with the IntelliMouse This indicates that you may have a conflict with software or earlier mouse drivers
If Microsoft Mouse With Wheel is not listed, the most likely cause of the problem is an incompatible PS/2 port Follow these steps to correct the problem:
Shut down Windows, and then turn off your computer
Unplug your mouse from the PS/2 port
Use the IntelliMouse serial adapter to connect the mouse to an available serial (COM) port (This adapter is included with the IntelliMouse Serial or PS/2 Compatible mouse.)
When you have connected the mouse to the serial port, turn the computer back on and start Windows When Windows starts, you should see the following message:
New Hardware Found...mouse with wheel
This message indicates that the IntelliMouse was successfully detected on the serial port.
The adapter included with the IntelliMouse Serial or PS/2 Compatible mouse is part number 68666 Other mouse adapters may not work correctly with the IntelliMouse
About the author
Posted by Ken Colburn of Data Doctors on August 22, 1999
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