As of late, I have been getting anywhere from two to six e-mails a day from a porno site. I have tried to send messages and also filled out the request that they have at the bottom of their message notifying them that I do not want their e-mail. To no avail. It appears impossible to stop. Is there anyway I can block those particular messages from comming in?
I have Microsoft's Outlook Express.
Thanking you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
This question was answered on August 22, 1999. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
It is truly unfortunate that a handful of “sex merchants” have turned something as incredible as the Internet into something that has been labeled a “cesspool of porn” To the uninitiated, it is unnerving to say the least to have a sexually explicit e-mail appear in your computer The possibilities of how that occurred are endless If you give your e-mail address to anyone, including a friend, you never know where your address will end up If you are on a major ISP (Internet Service Provider) such as AOL, just by being a member you can become a target of these undesirable e-mail messages Most porn sites now require you to give them a credit card number in order to gain access to their services, but it is possible that someone using your computer initiated the e-mails Requesting to be removed from their list actually does the opposite of what it should do What I mean is that by replying to them in any whay verifies that the address is good and will almost guarentee that the messages will continue to be sent to you and most likely, you address will be sold to others as a "verified" address.
Empower yourself with the knowledge of how to block such transmissions Check with your ISP for details You can install e-mail filtering or blocking software that will allow you to block certain e-mail addresses or all e-mail addresses except the ones that you approve A list of free and low cost programs can be found on the TUCOWS web site at If you want to block web sites, you can set the security level on your browser to do so or you can install and configure a program that allows you to block sites of questionable nature These programs give you much better control and tracking of your usage than most anything else Programs and Cyber Patrol have been developing for years and have made good progress in helping to fight this dark side of the Net You can get a list of downloadable evaluation control programs from TUCOWS at that range from free to around $50.
About the author
Posted by Ken Colburn of Data Doctors on August 22, 1999
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