How can I check if my BIOS will needs to upgrade for Y2K? My computer is 2 years old and made by NETRAM. They have been bought out by another company.
Thank you-
This question was answered on September 22, 1999. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
If you would like to perform a test on your BIOS without downloading a diagnostic follow the steps below
1) Set date and time to 12/31/99 11:59:00pm - this can be changed in Windows or in DOS To change in Windows, go to Start/Settings/Control Panel and choose the Date and Time icon To change the time in DOS, type TIME at the Dos prompt and enter the new time Type DATE and then type in the date and enter.
2) Turn system off and wait at least 1 minute
3) Turn system on and enter BIOS setup.
4) Verify date reported by BIOS setup is 1/1/2000
5) Set date and time to 2/28/2000 11:59:00pm
6) Turn system off and wait at least 1 minute
7) Turn system on and enter BIOS setup.
8) Verify date reported by BIOS setup is 2/29/2000
9) Reset your date and time to the current settings
To use a diagnostic to help you, please look at the following website:
About the author
Posted by Ken Colburn of Data Doctors on September 22, 1999
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