Please Help I am a new user with a new PC
I have a 1 GHzMhz AMD athlon processor,with Windows ME,and a
NVIDIA VANTA 16 MB AGP 3-D Graphics Video Card,56k V.90
Modem,and a lot of factory loaded video software,including
Windows Media player,RealPlayer 7,MGI Videowave 3,Power video,and Quick Time for windows. I am useing a Veu Quest
Video Web Camera.
The problem is, I am unable to view live streaming
web camera video on the Internet. Just a blank white or gray screen where the video should be... I can view the cameras that only update every 15 min. or so.I can also view
video such as on ABC ... Others can view my camera
on where my camera is logged on. The only problem
is not being able to see LIVE STREAMING VIDEO on the web..
Can you help ? thank you Arnold Cabe
e-mail - acabe001@AOL
This question was answered on January 28, 2001. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
Hello and thank you for your question.
A: Seems to me that your problem has to do with bandwidth (the speed of a communication link) Having enough bandwidth means not having to wait, or at least not have to wait long to see graphics on a webpage, and being able to make real-time video phone calls on the internet among other things.
Live Streaming Video on the web takes a lot of bandwidth 56K modems just don't cut it You need to upgrade to a much faster modem such as Cable or DSL to be able to fully enjoy these new technologies on the internet Good Luck!
About the author
Posted by Leonida of Chandler-Gilbert Community College on January 28, 2001
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