When editing a scanned document everything stopped working. I waited and eventually re-booted. Since then MSPaint will not function. It has performed an illegal operation.
Also, in an MS Word file, I was informed I couldn't edit as User 1 had the file open. There is only me! I uninstalled Winzip as I thought that might have something to do with it.
Please help.
This question was answered on January 30, 2001. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
You ARE having some problems, aren't you Unfortunately, it is difficult to tell what your problem might be based on the information you have given me, but I will try to give you some general direction.
First, winzip is least likely the culprit It has nothing to do with scanning or word prossessing It's function is to compress files to save disc space.
You are having a problem with 2 Microsoft programs The most likely possiblility is that a .dll file has been damaged or inadvertantly deleted A .dll file is a small program built into the Windows operating system that can be called upon by any number of other programs to do something for them You may have damaged a .dll that both Paint and Word need to use Reinstalling your operating system would fix this, if indeed this is the problem.
Regarding your "file is open" problem, is it possible that you had the file open elsewhere--say the scanner's OCR, or another word processing program, at the time of the problem?
If you could give us a little more detail about the problem, we might be able to help you better Some questions I have:
1 How much computer memory does your system have? Your profile says 10 MB, which is a very unlikely figure for a newer system.
2 What OCR program are you using to make text editable?
Again, please try reinstalling Windows first before doing anything else Follow the instructions under the Windows Help menu if you don't know how Odds are this will be what your system needs to get running well again.
About the author
Posted by Robert of Chandler-Gilbert Community College on January 30, 2001
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