I have a Gateway 450, Pentium II 10 gig and a 40 gig hard drive(s).
I have AOL as my ISP. I can get on AOL, no problem. BUT, I receive an Action Canceled message each time I type in ANY
URL. It tells me to reload, wait until later, etc. I have done all of that. I have e-mail AOL and have followed all their instructions (clear cache, empty Temp files, reload AOL adaptor, and I've rebooted each time) Still no luck on getting to any sight. It will start to load a sight then after 1% it comes up with the Action Canceled message. Can you help me?
There must be something in my set up that isn't working. I just don't know what to look fore.
Thank you for any assistance. I am using my work computer to get to your sight now.
Gerry Warehall
This question was answered on February 26, 2001. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
Thank you for your question I must admit I have limited knowledge of AOL I would try checking your preferences as to how you have AOL set up It is possible that somehow it got switched to a child preference And if that happened it is very limited as to what you can access on the web If that is not the problem contact AOL via the phone if possible so they can walk you through the problem If you only have one phone line write down as much information about the problem as you can before you call AOL so your conversation with them is as productive as possible Hope this helps you.
About the author
Posted by Scott of Chandler-Gilbert Community College on February 26, 2001
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