Hi.I have a three wheel mouse and have the middle button set to scroll.This works fine most of the time.
However the problem I have most is when I click on a hyperlink,. I go to the next page just fine but I can not scroll until I click the left mouse button.
This happens about 50% of the time. I am sure there is something I need to check or uncheck somewhere but do not have any idea where to start.If you have any ideas please let me know. Thanks
This question was answered on March 27, 2001. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
Thank you for your question To change options for your mouse double click on "My Computer" icon on your desktop From there double click "control panel" Then double click "mouse" You should have a screen pop up that has varius tabs such as buttons, pointers, motion, wheel, third button Could be more tabs or less tabs depending on the type of mouse you have From this pop up screen select a tab and read which options are avalible and if they are turned on or off Look at each tab to make sure you have covered every option avalible for your mouse This should help you with your problem but sometimes some web pages don't support certain mouse functions Good luck.
p.s If you have an icon for your mouse in your systems tray just double click on that and your pop up screen will appear for mouse adjustment.
About the author
Posted by Scott of Chandler-Gilbert Community College on March 27, 2001
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