Virus Alert! "Miss World" flash movie is dangerous! (6/8/01)
This question was answered on June 8, 2001. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
An e-mail based trojan called "Miss World" is in the wild and causing damage to those that open the attached file.
It is not widespread at this time, but it is a potentially dangerous trojan horse and because of the sex angle has the potential to lure large numbers of unwary PC users
What to watch for:
Recipients will see the title "Miss World" in the e-mail header
Because it is hidden in a "flash" movie (animation) it can unleash its damage in the background and send itself to everyone in an Outlook address book.
As it executes, the virus attempts to format the "C:\" drive and delete Windows registry files After flashing up a window with the text "I fall more in love with you each day," the program e-mails a copy of the virus to all users in the user's Outlook address book
If you follow our previous advice of never opening any e-mail attachments that have an "exe" extension, you will not be hit by this virus.
If you do receive any e-mail messages that refer to Miss World, MsWorld or has an attached file with an "exe" extension, delete it immediately and send a message to the original sender asking if they knew that they sent the message.
About the author
Posted by Ken Colburn of Data Doctors on June 8, 2001
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