When I try to play an audio CD, I keep getting an error message that says "cannot find wmplayer.exe." Where can I find a download so I can play audio CD's?
This question was answered on April 22, 2002. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
Here are some free download options: (just copy and paste the URL in your browser window).
Microsoft has some downloads you can check out at: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/technologies.asp
Here are some others: http://www.real.com/help/ http://www.liquidaudio.com/ http://www.musicmatch.com/ http://www.aldridge.com/cdplayer.html http://music.lycos.com/downloads/sonique/
There are many more on the Internet You may want to research a little to see what is most compatible with your operating system and/or other software installed on your computer
About the author
Posted by Debbi of Chandler-Gilbert Community College on April 22, 2002
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