I can't completely clear all my temporary files (TIF's). I can delete all files and get a blank screen but when I check "properties" it says I still have 583 files, 33 folders, and utilizing 26mb of space. My computer is set to "show all files" and also empty my TIF's when the browser is closed (but it doesn't).
My main question is: Where are the invisible files and folders and why can't I see or delete them.
I have Windows XP Home Edition.
This question was answered on October 11, 2002. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
Click START, go to PROGRAMS then click (DOS)PROMPT At the C:\ prompt type dir/p to see the directories that are on your hard drive.(P=one page at a time) To change to the directory for your internet programs you will be looking for a Directory with ITS name ie If you use AOL then find the AOL directory then the file name you want to delete To change Directories type CD space Directory Name Type your Dir/p again to look for the specific file name you want to delete When you locate the file name you can delete it from anywhere except while in that file To delete the file type DEL space file name.extention Files have extentions where Directories do not If you know the path of the file ie C:\Windows\OfficeXP\My Search.doc then you can type the DEL and the path at the DOS prompt without looking for the file path
About the author
Posted by Michelle of Mesa Community College on October 11, 2002
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