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Why Won't My Canon Download Video?

Posted By : Robert of Mesa Community College on December 7, 2002

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I have a canon S-30 digital canera which cam e with ArcSoft software. I can download pjhotos to hard drive for processing however the movies will not download to computer. If I connect camera to a TV and click on 'slide show' the photos display and the movie plays perfectly, as they both do in the camera. I reinstalled the software to no avail. The folks at the reseller have no ideas as what to do. Canon said to contact the ArcSoft people who also offered no help. Any ideas?


This question was answered on December 7, 2002. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.

When in the past, I have tried every software and functionality option I can think of, tech support offers no real help, and I am at my wits end, I suspect a hardware problem Cables are usually the best place to start I doubt there's anything else about that camera which is user servicable.

Try taking the camera back, or writing to the manufacturer, stating your case, and asking for a refund Do so even if it's out of warranty.

That's a pretty expensive unit If you're following directions, it ought to work.

About the author

Posted by Robert of Mesa Community College on December 7, 2002

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