While I am in the middle of something A blue screen appears saying that IRQL_Not_Less_Not_Equal, I do not know if is software or hardware support, can you please help me thanks
This question was answered on February 6, 2003. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
Check your system info for conflicts Most of the time this is traced to incompatible hardware in XP or problem drivers First suspect is a video driver problem Are there updates for your video card? Second is motherboard/chipset drivers, sometimes for the AGP (video slot) or the on board video if your board has that or the IDE controller etc. Third would be drivers for any other board or hardware in your system and are all pieces of hardware XP compatible (on the HCL) The last one would be incompatible software with XP This is one of those things where you just have to play detective and do the process of elimination thing Check the event viewer for any further clues also try checking your memory .
About the author
Posted by Ileen of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on February 6, 2003
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