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How to fix the sound card?

Posted By : Suzana of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on February 10, 2003

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This computer was givin to me. It didn't come with any software. When I booted it up and started setting it to my preferences I noticed I wasn't getting any sound. I went on a search for the volume control and couldn't find it anywhere. It seems like the application was deleted and all that was left were shortcuts. Is there any way to recover it without having to spend money I don't have?


This question was answered on February 10, 2003. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.

Check for your sound card Is there one? If there is the sound card, then check to see if it was set in right into the slot You can go to Start, Settings, Sounds and Multimedia and check if you have installed drivers for the sound card You can update your drivers by clicking on the Update driver button You can also uninstall drivers completely and install them fresh.

About the author

Posted by Suzana of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on February 10, 2003

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