My question is concerning my digital camera. How can I fix some fuzzy pictures that I have. I have a kodak 4.1 camera and it does take great pictures. BUT, everytime I zoom use the zoom feature, my picture usually turns out fuzzy. Is there a program other than the Kodak program I could use to zoom in on my pictures and have better, more professional pictures? Thank you for your help.
Mathew Shannon
This question was answered on March 26, 2003. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
It sounds like the contrast on the LCD screen is turned up to high On the bottom of the camera in the one corner there is a small black dial which controls the contrast on the screen Adjust that till the screen looks good
About the author
Posted by Enyenihi of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on March 26, 2003
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