I am planning on buying a new computer and then planning to link it up with my old one using Ethernet. Now I've been hearing a lot of things about the pros and cons of wireless ethernet vs. the normal with wire ethernet. Which exactly is recommended? I am looking to share my cable modem connection as well as my printer using the ehternet, with two desktops and a laptop. I personally wish to go for wireless....Please give me a few pointers and advice... Thanks
This question was answered on May 8, 2003. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
What I would personally recomend is getting the micorsoft wireless router that has the eithernet ports as well This would actually be the best solution because if you want to connect your desktops to the cable modem you would want to use eithernet wiring for the simple fact it is more relaiable and quicker then if ytou did it wirelessly For your laptop i actually recomend the wireless cuz it makes you moble and i assume that you would want to do that with a laptop Because it is wireless you will lose some speed but not that much depend on where your standing at actually One problem that you might have would be if you are going wireless and you also have a wireless phone in your house sometimes the two things will interfere with each other but your network wont it knocked off it will probably knock off your call but this does not happen to offen. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?sku=M17-1604 that is actually the link so you can see the router that i am speaking about and also once you have the network set up with router using your main computer which should be the computer with the most latest operating system you can configure a way for all your computers could use the same printer and scanner good luck with your home networking
About the author
Posted by Student of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on May 8, 2003
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