our laptop has locked up and I would like to know how you unlock it?
Thank you
This question was answered on May 20, 2003. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
I think that you need a Windows 98 boot disk, so that you can boot into DOS You can get one from http://www.bootdisk.com/ Then, when you get one of these disks, you need to put it in the laptop, and turn it on When you get a screen with 3 options, choose either without CD support.
Now, when you see something like a C:\ , type in cd windows This should bring you to something like C:\WINDOWS\ Now, type in del *.pwl (this deletes all password lists, meaning that you should get into windows now.) Once you do this, turn the laptop off by holding don the power button for a few seconds, then restart the system If this doesn't work,
About the author
Posted by Student of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on May 20, 2003
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