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How do I unlock my laptop

Posted By : Student of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on May 20, 2003

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our laptop has locked up and I would like to know how you unlock it?

Thank you


This question was answered on May 20, 2003. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.

I think that you need a Windows 98 boot disk, so that you can boot into DOS You can get one from Then, when you get one of these disks, you need to put it in the laptop, and turn it on When you get a screen with 3 options, choose either without CD support.

Now, when you see something like a C:\ , type in cd windows This should bring you to something like C:\WINDOWS\ Now, type in del *.pwl (this deletes all password lists, meaning that you should get into windows now.) Once you do this, turn the laptop off by holding don the power button for a few seconds, then restart the system If this doesn't work,

About the author

Posted by Student of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on May 20, 2003

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