Error when opening modem from device manager " cannot read port name from registry".
Modem or no other equipment conflicts found.
Modem worked fine before crash, after reinstall, modem fault occured.
Seriel mouse on COM1 as before. installed COM2/3 & 4 in different variations & assigned to modem, still getting " cannot read port name from registry" error.
Any advice would be well recieved. thanks
This question was answered on February 25, 2004. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.
You must make sure that when you assign the modem on a com port or IRQthat nothing else is also assigned to it Also check to see if the modem is set to the same com port and IRQ to which your software is set.
About the author
Posted by Student of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on February 25, 2004
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