Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Original Air Date: Mar 13, 2019
Flushing Facebook Apps
Anyone that’s been sailing on the Facebook social media ship for any length of time will most certainly have Facebook barnacles on their profile.
That’s what we call apps that have attached themselves to profiles as a regular course of how most people use Facebook and apps that use Facebook Connect.
Don’t be fooled just because you never really used the app; once you connected, they are in the background with access to your profile info.
You’ll probably be shocked to see how many companies that you have given permission to access your profile information.
We highly recommend taking a look at this setting on a regular basis to ensure that in the future, these barnacles don’t accumulate without your knowledge.
You can see what’s attached by clicking on the down arrow icon in the upper right corner, then Settings and then on the Apps and Websites section.
Review the list of items that are currently able to access your profile info and get rid of the ones that you know you don’t need.
Here are the instructions: