Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Original Air Date: Mar 15, 2019
Old Video Scam Returns
Holy cow! Have you seen this video yet? It’s pretty embarrassing…these are the kinds of messages that may start reappearing in your Inbox or most likely through social media messages.
They know that if they can get you so concerned about what’s being shown on the video, you’ll forget all those lessons you’ve been taught to protect yourself.
Once you land on the scam sight that has the incriminating video of you posted, you’ll see a play button that won’t work. You’ll be told you need to update something in order to see the video, which is the trap.
If you focus on seeing the video instead of what they are actually trying to get you to do, you can quickly become their next victim.
This simple but effective method of tricking users is popping up again, because when it works, they can silently access anything on your computer.
The lesson hers is to never, ever install anything that pops up on your screen…always manually visit the update site for any program that you have installed.