Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Original Air Date: Mar 21, 2013
Monitor Your Kids Time On Facebook
How much time do you spend on Facebook every week? What about your kids?
It’s time for another Data Doctors Tech Tip.
An average US citizen spends 7 hours and 45 minutes on Facebook per month. Kids blow those numbers out of the water on a daily basis.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could monitor your kids Facebook usage, without sitting over their shoulders with a stopwatch? You can. It’s a computer app called Time Rabbit.
Time Rabbit is a stand alone app that sits and waits for Facebook activity on a computer. Once Facebook is opened, it monitors daily hours, minute and seconds spent on the site. But it’s smart too, if you open another tab and veer off for a while it knows, and the clock stop until Facebook activity resumes.
Reporting gives you access to weekly, monthly and lifetime use. And the free app works with all the major web browsers, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome.
For now that app only works in the Windows environment, and doesn't give you mobile reporting from smartphones, but it’s a great start for the price. In case you missed the price earlier... it’ FREE.
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