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Tech Tips for Non-Tech People.

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Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Data Doctors Tech Tips | Ken Colburn & Brandon Disney
We give quick, one minute tech tips each weekday! Join us on a radio station near you as we talk tech. It's Tech Tips for Non-Tech People! You can post questions on our Facebook page anytime!

Original Air Date: May 23, 2017

Cleen iPhone Pictures

If you enjoy taking pictures with your iPhone and you've had it for a while, it’s probably full of images.

It's also likely that a large number of those images are useless or unwanted, but you haven’t had the time to get rid of them.

Deleting unwanted images from an iPhone is no easy task, because Apple makes you go through the process based on tiny thumbnail images.

If you're looking for a more efficient way to clear out all your old iPhone pics, take a look at a free app called Cleen, which is spelled C L E E N.

It's like the 'Tinder' app for managing your images, because it uses the same gestures as the popular dating app.

You simply swipe down to delete an image, swipe
up when you want to keep them and to the left if you just can’t decide,
which allows you to deal with it later.

After you swipe through all your images to let your wishes be known, simply tap the trash can icon and viola, they’ll be gone!