Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Original Air Date: Mar 6, 2019
How to Use Weird Characters
When you see a string of odd characters in an Internet post or on social media, don't you wonder how they did it?
If you scan your various keyboards, there are no obvious places that these characters live, but if you use the Alt key along with the numbers on your numeric pad, you'll discover the universe of Alt codes.
Try holding down the ‘Alt’ key and then tapping out 0153 on your numeric pad to see what you get.
With 255 characters that are available but hidden, you can forget about having them all in your head whenever you want to use any of them.
A quick Internet search for Alt codes or Alt keyboard will provide you with a plethora of resources giving you each code.
A better way on those occasions you want to work with these weird characters is by bookmarking the website.
By changing the default display from 'Our favorite set' to 'All characters', you'll have them all ready for you to copy and paste into whatever you're doing online.
iPhone users can also checkout their 99 cent app, which has mixed reviews. Don't forget, mobile users can also copy and paste from their website.