Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Original Air Date: Mar 5, 2019
Emergency Instructions Health App
If someone near you was suddenly in a medical situation that required you to know cardiopulmonary resuscitation, would you know exactly what you should do? Don't feel bad, most of us don't know either.
With that in mind, the more of us that take the time to arm ourselves with knowledge, the better off we'll be collectively.
Not everything that can happen will be a matter of life or death, but even less serioius situations can be a challenge when we want to jump in and help, but don't know what to do.
That's why today's tip is to consider downloading and looking through the free "Red Cross First Aid" App.
Having this app on your phone the next time you're confronted with a serious health related situation can be a real difference maker.
It's content is focused on the most common emergencies and because it's downloaded to your phone, an Internet connection isn't needed to gain access to the information.
Fortunately, this isn't one of those apps you'll use every day, but it is one that likely deserves a little space on your phone.
Download the app at:
or text "GETFIRST" to 90999