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Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Data Doctors Tech Tips | Ken Colburn & Brandon Disney
We give quick, one minute tech tips each weekday! Join us on a radio station near you as we talk tech. It's Tech Tips for Non-Tech People! You can post questions on our Facebook page anytime!

Original Air Date: Jan 27, 2021

Website Safety Checkup Tool

It’s pretty obvious that the Internet can be a very dangerous place, especially when you land on a site that you know nothing about.

Finding sneaky ways to compromise visitors to a rigged website is a standard method incorporated by the bad guys.

You’ll hear lots of security experts telling you not to visit websites that aren’t familiar with, but that’s not very practical advice for today’s Internet.

Fortunately, there are companies that spend a lot of time and effort tracking malicious websites every day and one of our favorites is the website checking tool from Trend Micro

They constantly compile information on websites all around the web in a database and make it available to be searched by anyone.

Just copy and paste the URL into their webform and have it check the database for any details that have been gathered.

Beyond the security check, you can get a synopsis of the information on the site before you visit to make sure you know what will be there.

From now on, when you aren’t sure about a website, get a second opinion at