Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Original Air Date: Oct 8, 2021
When To Light Up Your Pictures
Have you noticed how many gadgets you won that can take a picture?
Some are basic while others are very sophisticated and include a flash option to shed light on your subjects.
Low-light situations are an obvious time to turn on your flash, but did you know that it can be helpful when you have plenty of light?
Having the right type of light in the right place is what determines whether a picture will be great or useless.
Larger cameras that have a larger flash can be especially useful when there is too much daylight coming from one direction.
Using the flash to fill in shadows caused by uneven lighting can be done with just about any camera.
When the sun is too bright and is causing your subjects to squint, try moving them to shade and using the flash to brighten up the image.
The best time to experiment with your flash is before you need it to be your savior, so take some time to shoot in different lighting situations so you’ll know what works best with your go-to cameras.