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Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Data Doctors Tech Tips | Ken Colburn & Brandon Disney
We give quick, one minute tech tips each weekday! Join us on a radio station near you as we talk tech. It's Tech Tips for Non-Tech People! You can post questions on our Facebook page anytime!

Original Air Date: Oct 3, 2017

Fight Copy/Paste Zombies

Have you heard? Zuckerberg is giving away all his money to one thousand lucky users Facebook. He is getting rid of forty five billion dollars and if you'll just copy and paste this message, you could get a pile of money!

It’s simply amazing how so many of our friends can still fall for these outlandish hoaxes by becoming copy/paste zombies when they see a post that they think everyone should know.

A big part of the problem is that far too many users assume that if their friend posted it, the info must be true and OK to repost.

A single misguided post can get out of hand in a hurry when lots of mindless users become copy - paste Zombies.

We have seen this mistake so many times that we decided to create an amusing warning video that we post whenever we see our friends or family posting things they didn’t bother to checkout first.

The next time you see a friend or family member turning into a copy/paste zombie, feel free to post a link to our video warning yourself which I have posted at