Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Original Air Date: Dec 27, 2017
Cross-Platform Streaming App
Web-based streaming media devices from Apple, Amazon and Google have become much more common in many homes these days.
There are numerous options including Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku Amazon Fire TV and even the popular Xbox, that all allow you to stream TV and movies to your TV.
If you have both an Apple TV and use an iPhone, it's simple to push just about anything on your phone to your TV.
The same is possible if you use Google's Chromecast and an Android smartphone but those that live in a cross platform world, an app called Allcast is the answer.
Allcast allows you to connect either an iPhone or an Android phone to a large variety of streaming devices or even smart TVs. It’s now possible to push content from just about any type of smartphone to virtually every popular streaming device on the market.
The free version of the app allows you to test it out to see how it works, but limits you to 5 minutes of actual viewing. You get to test it and if you like it, upgrade to the fully functional version for about $5.
Just look for Allcast in the either the Apple App Store or in the Google Play store to give it go.