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Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Data Doctors Tech Tips | Ken Colburn & Brandon Disney
We give quick, one minute tech tips each weekday! Join us on a radio station near you as we talk tech. It's Tech Tips for Non-Tech People! You can post questions on our Facebook page anytime!

Original Air Date: Jan 11, 2021

Special Use Email Addresses

An email address has become a crucial component in today’s digital age as both online and offline companies are constantly asking you for yours during any type of transaction.

If you’re like most users, you simply provide them with your primary email address that you use for everything, which just adds to the junk you have to weed through over time.

Using a completely separate email address is an approach to dealing with this problem, but it also requires you to manage a completely separate account, so why not use the alias approach?

Gmail has an easy to use option that allows you to create special email addresses that are associated with your primary address, which makes tracking which messages came from which interaction you had much easier.

Just use the plus sign and any string of characters in the middle of your actual email address:

Example for tracking eBay transactions: [email protected]

When you start to bifurcate your messages, it’s much easier to manage the incoming messages automatically, by sending them to a special folder or to the trash.

What’s great about this approach is that you don’t have to set up anything in advance as you simply create them as you need them!